{{{On Lakers and Kobe}}}
It's about basketball alright?!! Not beef...=)
Anyway, been following the adventures of L.A. Lakers since Shaq switched over from the Orlando Magic.
This season is particular interested me alot. Not just because it comes after a 2nd round lost in the playoffs to their fourth consecutive Championship. Not because Kobe got hit with a sexual assault lawsuit. Not just because Shaq started looking less like the dominating force he's been.
But mostly because of P-MOB. Pick your poison gentlemen. You've got 4 hall-of-famers on one singluar team. Payton, Malone, O-Neil, Bryant. With just one on fire, you've got a problem. With two, you've got the L.A. Lakers. With all four on the team. Can you win?!!
For most of the season you've got two to three out at anyone time... but for the playoffs, P-MOB rules the roost. Face it, even without Kobe firing on all cylinders, LA will still win.
But Kobe...he's in a class all of his own now. Shuttling from court to court, he's simply blowing the opposition away. For the past few games, the way the Lakers play has been simply this. First half, get the ball to Shaq or Malone via Payton and let them post to victory. Kobe has taken a total of four shots in the first half in the past two games. 2nd half, with everyone concentrating on the inside, Kobe opens up from the perimeter...and what a plan it has been... The Timberwolves are going down...Onward to the finals!!!