Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Just remembered that cheerios are a kind of artificially flavour cereals... What immediate bearing this has on my life, I cannot happen to think of one =P

Okay, Angel, here's my little way in aid of the NUS debate club/society/cabal.


This saturday (230803) is Kickstart, which as the name suggests kickstarts the debating year. It starts around ten and knowing debaters, the gods know what time it will end. To the best of my knowledge, it will comprise of ice-breakers and then debate.

And why, you might ask, would I want to join debate since it's like NATO, no action talk only, and without all the cool weaponary the USA and various other Eastern European nations have.

Well...here's the Top Ten Reasons to Join Debate...

1. You'll learn all the cool stuff the Eastern Europeans have e.g. the Czech have their SOF, the Slovenian (or is it the Slovakians) have this whole series of radar dishes...

2. You'll learn the meaning of cool phrases (and more importantly, how to use them to sound smart) like *ahem*...Derogation of Rights (Article 29 and 30 of the UN charter as well as Justice Holmns)...Comparative Advantage...Global moral paradigm shift...Soft budget constrain....the 4 tenets of justice...etc...

3. Inteliigent conversation...well...most of the time...sort of...anyway...NEXT!

4. A captive audience... It's considered very very very very bad form to walk out of a debate... So for all you people who like the sound of your voices but can't sing......

5. You are allowed to abuse your opponents...as long as you do it wittily and with no malice intended...

6. Improvement of speaking skills... So for those who dream of being the next leader of the free world...or dictator or Csar..well here's your chance to practice your inaugral speech (Bow before me my minions....) or the best way to go about achieving your nefarious ends...

7. Debaters are nice people...*snigger snigger*

8. Debaters sometimes keep cute pets who you get to meet

9. Debaters are sometimes cute....=P

10. Debate supporters are sometime cute too


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